Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Forklift Rodeo Event

2014 Forklift Rodeo

This year Kahiki decided to do things a little bit different for our Forklift Rodeo held at the end of summer. The annual event included important training for safety and food safety, but also included an element of surprise with an outside “fun zone”. The fun zone featured a dunk tank with a line up of management to dunk, fun games related to safety and food safety and communication and team building activities. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

The "Selfie" Craze Takes Over Kahiki

You may not think there's a lot that is "hip" at a frozen food manufacturer and distributor, but you'd be sorely mistaken. The "selfie" craze has hit Kahiki in a big way and we've decided to make the month of May "Safety Selfie Month!" Our employees can take a selfie while wearing safety glasses and submit for a chance to win a free lunch. It only takes a few seconds to snap a selfie and it only take a few seconds to be safe on the job.